evercoat super build 4:1


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I'm looking to spray the Evercoat Superbuild 4:1 Poly. Can I or should I use a 2K OVER the Superbuild before BC/CC ??
After I get to where I want to be with the super build - I finish off with a 2k and sand it with 320- then I put on an unreduced coat of epoxy and finish with 600 then paint - the epoxy full coat creates and extra sanding step but it gives me one more opportunity to catch a flaw
thank you Dave! 2K standard or high build ?
Regular SPI 2K will be easier to spray than the high build. High build is an excellent product but you need to have a good size nozzle. At least a 2.0 preferably 2.3 or bigger. Lots of folks like the SPI Turbo 2K as well. If you are not looking for build either the Regular or Turbo are great choices.
Like Chris said - all the 2k is doing is filling your sand marks - hopefully ther isn’t anymore bondo work but it isn’t a big deal if there is - just scuff real good with 80- apply bondo- sand and spot spray with 2k - you can use the high build if you need to with a smaller tip- not the best - but you have to spray more coats and give plenty of flash time in between coats- I’m not a pro but I ALWAYS go by “” time is your friend “ ! Don’t over think it - 2k regular is for filling sand scratches- do what you need to do after you think you are done and spot spray 2k to fill those sanding scratches
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