JC Daniel

Promoted Users
I have been looking at buying some 2000 grit hook and loop sanding disc and was wandering if anybody has used Oslong before and how they performed? What brand do you prefer in this grit range and where do you buy them?
The only thing I have used with success in that grit range are the Tolex and green Bufflex from Eagle. I've tried the 3M and Indasa and had problems with pigtails and deeper scratches than advertised. The Tolex is supposed to be 1500, but the scratch left is more equivalent to 2000. The green Bufflex is 2000, but leaves a scratch equivalent to 2500. I buy them from Eagle Guys, but smaller job packs are available on Amazon, I believe. Tolex works great after an initial cut with 1200, but as a first step it doesn't cut well. Hope that helps.