Broke through clear...



Got a few runs shooting Univ Clear with high temp activator in weather too cool. Since its going to be 110 tomorrow, I figured I could dip the parts and not get any runs. LOL!
So this evening I was wet sanding out the runs and broke through the clear on a thin edge, and down into the base sealer.
Prospray base using SPI reducer and activator.
Should I shoot one coat of clear and after it flashes off spray the break through area? Or just shoot the red base over the sanded surface and then clear? I remember years ago getting lifting around the edges of where the clear was sanded off, and we shot a thin coat of clear before re basing.
If you activated the base just blow some more on it. It it wasn't the clear first idea should work just let it flash good.
You might want to ease that first coat of base on there not too wet and look for any potential problems. You ought to be OK.
You didn't wait 45 minutes between coats of clear like Barry says did you???

Everyone burns through at first it just teaches you to spray more clear and stop wet sanding earlier, wipe the water away and check your work more often.