In the classic by Earl Nightingale titled The Strangest Secret, he makes the statement " people who think they can get something for nothing are only deluding themselves" . This couldn't be more appropriate in the business of paint work. Everything we do there has been a cost of our time to learn what needs to be done as well as the cost in time to do it. If we don't get paid for our time , we are the losers. As in the old parable about the three talents, the one who buried his talent not only had his talent taken away that he had been given, but what he already had was also taken away. When we don't get paid for our knowledge and time we are borrowing from the next paying job what we should have been making on the current job. And it is a difficult place to get out of. I hope that it's been a different way of looking at the reality of the business that we are in. And there will always be the freeloaders wanting something done.