Is white epoxy tintable ?


Senile Old Fart

Barry, is white epoxy tintable and if so what type of tint and what is the max amount ?

If not, can the 2K primer be purchased in a tintable white ?

Just wanting the primer to be a color similar to the top coat.

Thanks, SOF.
5% of a base tint could be used but 99 x's out of a 100 you will never get the color you want, epoxy does not tint good.
Buff color (co in the regular build may get you close but depends on color of 3m tape
yes, i usually just keep white and block epoxy and intermix to get any shade of grey to make what color sealer i need however the big joke i pull on customers that are having something painted red is to take my white epoxy mixed as sealer and add some red to it and it makes a great shade of bubble gum pink then text them a picture of their car or bike while its in the booth in that color and say its done!! lol.
I have actually tinted the epoxy before, to yellow up a gray shade a bit for use on a Fuso truck bumper. As it worked out, all that was on that bumper was two coats of gray epoxy, one coat of tinted epoxy, and two full coats of clear. Seems to have made a more chip resistant coating than what it came with.