Iwata 400LPH 1.4 purple cap settings for basecoat. Fan width adjustment please help



I am going to try the Iwata 400LPH 1.4 with purple cap for basecoat instead of my nr2000. Shot a fender last night with the following gun settings 2 1/2 turns out on fluid,
fan open all the way then turned in 1/2 turn, distance 4", air pressure around 23-24 psi, slow speed. Went on pretty good but drier then it should. I am trying to dial in the fan adjustment down to 90% fan from wide open per Barry K's instruction. Having a hard time judging 90% when spraying pattern on paper. Can anybody tell me approx how much to turn fan adjustment in from fully open to achieve 90% or maybe what setting you use that works good for this Iwata setup? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks:encouragement:
I had that same problem with the purple cap, switched to the orange cap and it spayed a lot wetter. The purple cap is suppose to be for metallics that are hard to spray its like a dust cap or drop coat cap from what I can tell. I have a friend that uses just the purple cap for everything even clear but I can't get it to work for me. You're gun setting are good to me, with the orange cap I use about the same settings just depends on color and if metallic.
That pressure is way too high, attached is an Iwata document with the recommended settings for the LVB cap. I followed these settings when spraying Silver Pearl metallic and it worked great for me.View attachment A NEW LVB OM.pdf
Thanks for the .pdf . It seems that I have been missing step 1 and that was causing my problems, LOL.

Seriously thanks for the knowledge, the pdf is now saved to my paint folder :)