Lettering Removal



I ran into a guy I painted a pulling tractor for a couple years ago. He has bought another tractor that has been pen striped and lettered already. However, he does not like the name and wants to change it. The guy he bought it from said it could be removed with lacquer thinner. Does this seem possible? He wants to remove it for the rest of the season and then would like to repaint the whole tractor this winter. Any thoughts about doing this or something to try? He said it was base clear underneath.
Ditto on easy off oven cleaner. I look for the plain version without the lemon scent or whatever. I think the lemon thing leaves a yellow stain.
Test it on the paint somewhere you can't see just in case it eats everything:eek:, you never know.
Some use paint for the stripes and vinyl for the lettering. If there is vinyl it will come of with some low heat and the adhesive will come off with 710 solvent WGR.
You may have to buff it after all is off, depends on how much time you want to put into it.
The oven cleaner wont remove the base clear underneath? Hmmm learn something every day!