Lots of trash in Epoxy



This is my first time painting and after dialing the gun in per Barry's advice I shot my recently sand blasted gas tank. Epoxy laid down great but I made a total rookie move and forgot to use a tack cloth after wiping down with W&G. The cloth I used left tons of lint on the surface that I didn't notice until paint was down. I would be ok a little trash in the finish since its just the gas tank however this is too much to ignore.

Two coats of epoxy applied. What do I do now? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Awesome. In the future is a quick wipe with a tack cloth enough?
Sometimes not. Both the abrasive media and the air used can introduce contaminants into the pores of the metal. With my setup all I do is rub the parts with a scrub brush while blowing them off, but that is because the blast air and media are very pure.