Need help with clear/prolite/regulator



««««««««««««««Edit: just noticed I had the caps lock on I'm exhausted.It's 7am I gave up on clear around 1 & have been allover the web reading for help & have to be up in 5 hours & have to get this clear layed on this huge truck it's in base so here's what the problem is.»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»OK SO CLEAR ISSUES TOOK AWHILE 2 DIAL GUN IN FIRST HAD A BUNCH OF RUNS & OP BUT GOT CLEAR TO LAY LIKE GLASS SO WAS GONNA STOP FOR NITE,WHILE CLEANING GUN. NOTICED AIR PRESSURE WAS NO LONGER @ 26 PSI.WAS @ LIKE 60!DIALED TO 26 & IT HAD ALMOST NO AIR PRESSURE.WITH MY OTHER MANUAL GAUGES I HAD ISSUES ALSO 1 HAS A SMALL LEAK & I'M CONFUSED BECAUSE @ 26 THAT THING SEEMS TO HOSE IT OUT.I WOULD THINK @ 26 IT WOULDN'T COME OUT SO STRONG.SO I grabed the digital gauge that came with the prolite & my issue with that is if I set it @ 26 when you first squeeze the trigger it comes out around 29-30 psi then levels out to 26 or so.Now Im worried that once I get it dialed in the change in psi every time I squeeze the trigger will cause issues, or is that the way the digital gauge just works?I've tryd now both with 2 other manual gauges&the digital & @ best I'm getting factory op or if I hose it on I end up with curtains.Like I said earlier before I noticed the gauge was ducked up I got the clear to lay so well it would of been an insult to even consider a cut & buff it was the most bueatiful clear I've ever layed just flawless & it did this on on 4 test panels before I knew the issue.Btw I shoulda just kept the gauge the way it was since it was working even if reading wrong but I didn't think about it & took it apart now can't get it to work @ all.
Im using the spi uni clear &slow activator my new tekna prolite.Its surely not the clears fault btw but the te20 ap.1.4 tip.125@the comp 26 upto 30 with the trigger pulled.Or so I thought.
Ive got 1 more gauge it's good but it has a slight leak I just cant fix.This clear has to be done today so please help.Now Ive been told with this set up from here 125@wall but from autobody 101 where I bought the gun 75 so.Im confused I knew I shoulda bought a gauge to read the tip along tims ago.Maybe.I should try the te10 cap?Im damn sure.not getting the 13 inch pattern.Sorry for my poor use of grammar & the huge sentence I promise to install an app my phone is a note its huge&akward to type.