Prolite vs Sata RP


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Hello, first post here. I am getting ready to do an overall paint job on a '99 Boxster. I have a proper paint booth at work and several guns to choose from. I normally shoot single stage sign paint on exhibits and post cat conversion varnish on wood work. I have dabbled in automotive paint by restoring motorcycles, but never painted an entire car. For primers and the cv I have an FLG4. I have a Tekna Prolite with tips ranging from 1.2-1.5 and HV30 and TE20 caps. I also have an old Sata Jet 90-2 with 1.4 tip and RP cap. I used this guy to spray candy and clear on the aforementioned motorcycle (didn't own the Tekna back then). I will be spraying a dark blue metallic Motobase and SPI universal clear on my current project. What would you choose? I have read some recommendations of a T110 cap. Is that much better than what I currently have?

I have a bunch of other questions, but I'll save those for a different post.
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