Single Stage Matte Black "SPI Hot Rod Black" ???

  • Thread starter weaponsofmassdysfunction
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For you guys who have done cars with it, how is it holding up? How hard is it to live with? Has it picked up any disfiguring marks from anything? I sure like the look of it and the 6:1 nails it! I am really a BAD painter so I need something easy to spray and sand and respray. It took me 3 summers to paint my 84 Chevy truck SPI red with UV clear and it's FAR from perfect but everybody raves about it. I bought a very nice 28 Model A Tudor and I'm thinking about the hot rod black. Something like the one shown here. I'm open to suggestions. Is matte clear a better option? The thought of wet sanding and buffing right now sounds about as much fun as napping on the railroad tracks up the street. Looking for something easier. Thanks!!! 29%20A%20tudor.jpg
i like matte finishes. i hate sanding and buffing too so when i get a matte job i love it lol. it will hold up just fine but of course you cant buff it so scratches cant be fixed etc. basically what it is is what it is. the good thing though is that scratches and imperfections in the paint and bodywork are less noticeable. its generally easy to spray but you should spray it as even as possible. you should tune the gun so it sprays right otherwise you can get stripes. the spi is really forgiving with the striping compared to others i have sprayed though.
I'm anxious to try it, hoping it can replace the Sikkens stuff I've been using.
Bob, that was one I used for testing when I designed mine, you will not believe the difference in spraying, toughness and chemical resistance.
Don't let my cheap price scare you off!
No scare here, SPI products have never let me down and I bet the HR Black will work well. Once I use up this other stuff I'll be putting an order in.
What I like about it is that it is consistent from one day to the next, and it seems forgiving of gun technique, I haven't left a stripe in it yet!

SPI Hot Rod black is a no-brainer. Best flattened material I have ever used, bar none.