storing epoxy primer



Does it matter if my epoxy primer was subjected to 30 deg or colder temps ?
Grabbed my primer out of the garage ,but the temp had already dipped to 28 deg.
Gotta love Minnesota!
I am sure others would know more about this than me, but from what I understand, repeated hot cold cycles are the biggest problem. Condensation in your activator is BAD. Given the temp was barely under freezing, and your primer only saw this temp once, I wouldn't be very concerned about it.
Most likely no damage done but store at a stable temp like in basement or closet of house.

Short term about the worst thing that could happen is the pigment kicks out, can happen but rare and usually takes a fair amount of time with the part A staying under 44 degrees.
How you will know? It will spray dirty as you cannot mix the pigment back in or strain out with normal strainers if this happens.

The activator life can be shortened if left for a long period of time, like all winter.