

Mopar Nut
After stripping the undercoating from my Coronet with a heat gun and scraper what do you recommend to remove the remaining residue that won't interfere with the epoxy primer adhesion? I have gotten different suggestions (brake cleaner, lacquer thinner, etc) that all seem to go against the tech papers about what not to use as a cleaning solution before applying the primer.

Undercoating is usually dissolved with oil base thinners like mineral spirits, naptha, etc. if you can spray it down with mineral spirits and keep it wet for awhile so it continues to soak in then you should be able to powerwash off the remaining residue. Acetone im sure will work but its so damn fast. You need a slow solvent that will sit there and soak in.
Someone else recommended naphtha which I have never heard of. So using the Spi waterborne then 710 grease remover will be enough to have good epoxy adhesion?
even diesel will work. naphtha or mineral spirits are good. once it is gone dawn soap and hot water .
Be careful what you use----Jim was talking about an oil base thinner like mineral spirits, naptha, ect

There are several different types of napthas