Wet sanding base to level imperfection ?

  • Thread starter adrynalinjunkie
  • Start date


I did a spot repair on the 1/4 pannel of my 67 chevelle that got a dent from the engine hoist.

I just shot base over the 2K and even though I used guide coat there is a 10" spot at the bottom of the 2K that is not perfectly level.

It is so slight I am tempted to leave it but this is my baby and I am re-clearing the entire 1/4.

If I let it sit over night at 72 degrees should I just wet sand the HOK PBC32 pearl base a little with 600 wet tomorrow to attempt to level the slight imperfection and then re-base before I clear?

Or does anyone else have a better idea?

I am open for ideas or suggestions, thanks guys!
I dont think you will be successful blocking a wave out of base, if thats what you are asking. If you think it is really minor, you would have much better luck blocking it out with clear. Of course, going back to primer would be the safest.
If it's really minor it may work fine, you can sand through the base and into the 2K and original finish and it will still work if there's enough build.
I will give it a shot tomorrow. There is a good build underneath.

I need to post some pics, this activating the base must really make the paint stick!

When the fold up engine hoist had a leg fall on the panel it didn't even chip the paint (it did dent the Chinese 1/4 panel though) LOL

Worse case a few coats of 2K only take a few hours to cure.

Thanks guys, I swear someday I will pay back the knowledge base on here and do some giving instead of just taking.. ie asking ?'s
When you do the job properly following recomended scuffing, cleaning, recoat times, and material selection the finished job is very durable like you found out. Activating the base is big when it comes to chip resistance along with using epoxy as your sealer.