2k reg build how many coats after 150grit sanding?



Hi ive primed my 56 fairlane with 3 coats of 2k reg build and blocked dry with 150 grit how many coats to fill the 150 grit then sand with 180 wet.?My plan.Can i go to 400 wet over the 180 scratch or do i need more primer over that? Thanks Mike
I spray 3 coats per session.

I can't speak to your sanding process except to say at my shop we urethane prime over 220 scratches or finer only, and if the plan was to go to a 400 scratch, we would start with 220 dry.
if you trying to keep thing to a minimum then i would put 2 coat over the 150 scratches then sand with 400 and your ready to go. you can go with 3 coats like crash. nothing wrong with that but 2 will fill 150 scratches enough to block out.