A100 Twins

Might have something to do with UV speeding up the epoxy sealer cure in Jim’s outdoor paint booth. Pure guess on my part. I’m assuming Jim’s issue was the base lifting with the tape.

Yes and it seems to depend on the color. I doubt it s the UV. I spin so it’s in the shade when I shoot and I do things 4x faster because of the sun which means I may be pushing it too fast at times.
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Decided to break it into 2 sessions so when one goes to crap it does not make all 3 pieces messed up. Grill and gate jamb done, screwed up and fixed. Tailgate tomorrow.

Sometimes you have to adjust. Planned on white, tape the letters and where orange bands were but the white gave me trouble so had to order more. Won’t be here till next week so we will do it the other way around. Four coats of clear on the gate back, hinges, latch’s tomorrow once FedEx arrives (another story) and a single coat on the outside to give it an good base to tape and shoot the white next week then four coats of clear on the outside. Going to the mountains for a long weekend so it can wait once the clear is shot.

I can feel the finish line. 4 coats of clear on the back and it’s done, one coat on the front to seal it for taping. Should have another quart of Frozen White next week. Need to fit the gate in a few days to tape up the lines to match the body and then mask off the letters and shoot the white. Four coats of clear over it and we are going to call it done.
