Best way to repair



My daughter had part of a tree fall on her car . It now needs a windshield,hood and fender.I dont know the name or number of the paint yet but it is sort of a maroon.The parts I have for it are white.My question is would I be able to just scuff the new parts and paint or should they be primed first?If I need to prime should I use epoxy or 2k or both?I have some epoxy I was saving for my truck but I am beginning to think that will never happen so its available if I need it.
They are white, like factory white paint? If so, you can paint right over it if you like, but usually the old finish will be chipped, scratched or dinged enough to need some featheredging and small repair here and there. Most of the time we just buzz the parts down, feather the chips, fix the dings, and primer them.
It is factory white paint.I was wondering how well the new paint would cover the original white. The sad thing is if this had happened a few months ago I could have had the parts for free.She ruined the engine in her car and we found another one just like it except for the color so we bought it and combined the two and got her back on the road.neither one of us really had a good place to store the old car so she gave it to the mechanic who did the work for her so he could use it for parts and now look who needs parts.We were talking about maybe painting the whole car but havent decided yet. When I find out what the color code is I may ask Chad what it would cost for enough Prospray to paint the whole thing.The car is a Chevy Malibu,would 2 quarts be enough paint?