Body filler shelf life.


Joe's Notchback

What is the shelf life of body filler?
I have a gallon can of Rage Extreme that I bought few years back and was wondering if its time to buy a new can. When I opened the can it looked alright but seems to be taking a long time to harden on body panel.
I'm pretty sits the filler by itself if good as long as its kept sealed in non extreme temps

The activator on the other hand has short shelf lives and would replace that

As the activator may be the reason it is not hardening
I had this happen as well and it turned out to be the hardener was ancient.
It's cheap insurance to pitch that stuff and start new, if you ask me. Very few pros will even know what to tell you, I keep a can around for 6 months tops.
Seems like I remember barry saying that filler's start deteriorating from the moment that they are made.