Dealing with bugs

I would assume foggers to contain aerosols that will act as paint contaminants. Wait time would depend on the fogger manufacturer. What I might do in your situation is have the vehicle clean and ready to spray, then cover it with a plastic car cover from your paint jobber before using any area pesticide. Then, after the time specified on the fogger label, you might be able to pull the plastic and shoot the vehicle. But, if bugs are that huge a problem, you are going to get them in your paint, because the solvents in paint attract bugs.
I use Yard Guard when painting in my garage and have done that for years an have never had a problem. I will spray towards the walls and corners, never towards the vehicle, I also spray around the outside of any door. When at the shop and in the booth not a real problem but sometimes one does sneak in there from time to time.
Wear a respirator when spraying cause if it kills or repeals bugs then it's not good to breath.