Epoxy seperating?



I finally used some SPI black epoxy. I did the bottom of an RV(aluminum) and used about 30% fast reducer to make it go semi flat. I had just a little left in the bottom of the Dekup and pulled it out a few minutes ago. The paint did fine when I sprayed it but the puck sample has me scratching my head. It appears to have separated into two distinct stratus layers with a third layer of very thin black over the top of the gray that just flaked off like a very thin piece of paper. It was mixed thoroughly when I sprayed it on Monday and I just checked it today(Friday). I was expecting an even layer of epoxy thru out. Is this typical of it to separate in such a way??????

That would be normal when mixed with reducer, you may notice when mixed with reducer and you pour the mixed stuff back in painters pail, inside 2 hours the pigment will start settling.

To make a hockey puck, leave out any reducer.
Okay thanks for the info. Just surprised me to settle out like oil and vinegar like that.
Its the nature of the beast when reducer is added.

If you want to make a hockey puck, pour 2 inches of un-reduced epoxy that you have left over back in a painters pail and once a day hit it with a paint stick until it starts to thicken up in 4-7 days, let set a few weeks and carefully pop it out of the painters pail and let set a few more weeks until you can no longer smell solvents.

When cured and that could be a few months but it will impress you with the flex and when you take the sledgehammer to it.