Filler pin holes


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Hey Guys,
What’s a good product to fill pin holes in filler that has already been sprayed with 3 coats of SPI epoxy and 4 coats of high build primer? I’d like to fill them before I start blocking.
Also I have one area in the lower quarter that I want to fix better. I thought I had it perfect but it’s tough to see the imperfection without a shine.
I sprayed the 2k high build 5 days ago. Can I sand with 80 grit and reapply some rage gold filler?
Put some dry guide coat on there and then start block sanding. Most, if not all, of what you see will be gone once the guide coat as been removed.
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Here's my perspective......... I'd block it first like 68 Coronet R/T has suggested. It's not best practice to use filler over 2k primer, unless it's polyester primer.

Upol Dolphin Glaze or USC Icing will take care of both your issues. You won't need to scuff with 80 grit to fill pin holes but, you will need to scuff the other area. Also, if that area is deeper that 1/16" don't use the Dolphin Glaze or USC icing. You have to either start over down to epoxy, or spray a coat of epoxy on that area, then use filler.