Filling and smoothing overlapping seams- 2 part epoxy or?


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I'm finishing up the bodywork on the inside of a '66 F100 hood and would like to smooth the rear seam where the inner brace and outer skin overlap. The brace was removed from the skin for cleaning out trapped rust and to refit the skin to the brace to match the cowl profile better. That threw off the alignment between the flanges so there's less overlap than the original seam would've had, making the edge step shaped instead of flat. I've plug welded the two together and the fit against the cowl is good so I don't want to solid weld the seam on the edge of the flange- that would shrink the flange and throw the fit off. Is there an epoxy I could use to fill the seam and square up the edges before shooting high build? I've seen a few high end shops use Marine Tex epoxy over seams to prevent ghosting later on so I was thinking that might work for this. I've already skimmed and blocked the inner braces to make them slick so I'd like to make the rear seam as smooth as possible to match. I've never filled seams to shave them on past projects, just used seam sealer and left the seam visible, but I see show cars with filled seams all the time so I'm guessing there's a preferred product for filling them in.



Lead is the only thing that won't show on a filled seam long term. Some of the more advanced fillers would probably be next. Evercoat VPA would be one. Epoxy fillers, etc. Least preferred would be regular body filler. Some of the fillers like VPA may hold out for a long time but IDK, as I have no experience doing that with fillers. I did redo a 50 Merc custom some years ago that had been in an accident. All the seams were leaded. I re-leaded what I had to. Saw it 7 or 8 years later no issues.
Lead is the only thing that won't show on a filled seam long term. Some of the more advanced fillers would probably be next. Evercoat VPA would be one. Epoxy fillers, etc. Least preferred would be regular body filler. Some of the fillers like VPA may hold out for a long time but IDK, as I have no experience doing that with fillers. I did redo a 50 Merc custom some years ago that had been in an accident. All the seams were leaded. I re-leaded what I had to. Saw it 7 or 8 years later no issues.

I actually have everything here to lead the seam, but the heat would ruin the filler work I've already done. Neutralizing the acid between the overlap from the backside is a concern.

Adtech P17 would be an option also.

Thanks, I'll look into it.

Holy attention to details Batman!

