First Paint Job


Mopar Nut
Well after several screw ups and Barry talking me off the ledge a couple of times I have my Coronet painted. 100% SPI job. Ready for wet sanding and buffing...
Very nice! I wish my first paint job came out like that! Having quality materials always helps with the final product. Keep up the good work, next one will be even better.
Is the roof not painted yet? It looks like grey primer on the roof, no?
Very nice. Looks great. Just sprayed my first test panel today. Like you I'm using all SPI also. I love the stuff.
Where did the attached photo go?
Don't know....
Nice! Thats a lot of paint to lay down. Did you do it all at once? Did you do the interior and jambs seperate and then paint with doors closed?
Long story. Did the interior, trunk, underbody and engine bay first. Hung the doors and hood/trunk lids from ceiling and shot the jambs etc with these items off. Painted them hanging but screwed up and needed to scuff the 2 coats of UC and spot shoot the base again to fix. During that I realized I was not good enough to get consistent color on the hanging parts and body so I reinstalled and masked off the jambs and spot shot the base to blend it all together then 5 coats of UC. Got overspray in the trunk and under hood that I need to retouch up the same way before I sand and buff the body so I don't have the same over spray problem the other way around
Well you took the long way but it looks good. Good you kept after it and never gave up.