Gun cleaning solvents


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I plan on spraying mostly urethane paints for the most part when the weather loosens its grip on us. What solvents do most here use in
cleaning there guns? Is lacquer thinner ok. I have heard some say no & some say that is there go to. For a new guy it is hard to know who
to believe.
I use SPI reducer since I only paint a couple of cars per year. Per Barry the very slow is the best for gun cleaning iirc.

Quality and content of lacquer thinner is all over the place.

I use cleaner grade lacquer thinner. You can buy 5 gallons of it at your local jobber.

Once the gun is thoroughly clean, I rinse it with reducer. I consider SPI reducer precious material and hate to waste it on clean up.
By the way, save your used lacquer thinner in a separate container. It works great for keeping your body filler spreaders clean.
Shop grade thinner in 5 gal, like '68. Clean it like new every time and you won't need anything else. A rinse with reducer won't hurt if you want to.