Paint tips using SPI products in November Modified Mustangs & Fords


Rusty Gillis
There is a tips on painting my Coupe story using SPI products in the November 2012 issue of Modified Mustangs & Fords Magazine. I have not read everything but I did see a typo I sprayed SPI Red not Viper Red. Be sure and pick up a copy.


Looks like I'll be buying my first Mustang magazine ;). Cant wait to read it. You just dont realize how much this kind of stuff helps us rookies out. Thanks allot Rusty.
Ours came in mail today, caused a lot of down time!! LOL

Great job Rusty!
Nice! It would be nice to proof read those magazine articles before they go into print, they often word things improperly creating confusion. Rusty, I bet you didn't get an opportunity to review it? Example: Order two gallons of paint so that you HAVE SOME LEFT OVER IN CASE OF A PROBLEM REQUIRING A REPAINT COMES UP future accidents or even issues with the paint or clear might require a respray. (a problem requiring repaint? issues with the paint or clear?)

Should have been worded like: Order enough color to have some left over in case of an accident requiring future repairs or if there's mistakes made during application. Two gallons for most complete repaints is usually sufficient.
Thats awesome Rusty.. Love seeing SPI getting National reconigtion as it should be getting..