Reduced epoxy pinholes?


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Sprayed my .25% reduced epoxy sealer coat today getting ready for base coat in the morning. This afternoon I noticed very, very tiny pinholes in the epoxy. Will base and clear cover these? Or any suggestions on how to proceed would be appreciated as I plan to base coat tomorrow morning and clear the next day. Weather is nice for 2 more days. Thanks
Here is a picture I just took.


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Newbie here, but they look like more than tiny pin holes to me.And the quantity is disturbing. Stop now and wait until the "pros" tell you how to repair
Those are filler pinholes. You missed them until you sprayed epoxy over them. Nothing to do with the epoxy. Don't feel too bad as we have all missed filler pinholes at one point or the other. Use some 2 part glaze and fill them.
Those are filler pinholes. You missed them until you sprayed epoxy over them. Nothing to do with the epoxy. Don't feel too bad as we have all missed filler pinholes at one point or the other. Use some 2 part glaze and fill them.
I have some dolphin glaze. What would I sand it with 600 grit? Wet or dry?
I have some dolphin glaze. What would I sand it with 600 grit? Wet or dry?
Mix some up, work it back and forth pressing down, swipe back over pulling most of it off. What's left will be in the pinholes and a little extra. I would sand it dry with 320. Get most of it with 320 then come back with 600 wet. Should only take a few minutes and not much sanding. Remember, press down, swipe it in two directions, then wipe most of it off with your spreader. What's left should be in the pinholes with just a little on the surface.
Mix some up, work it back and forth pressing down, swipe back over pulling most of it off. What's left will be in the pinholes and a little extra. I would sand it dry with 320. Get most of it with 320 then come back with 600 wet. Should only take a few minutes and not much sanding. Remember, press down, swipe it in two directions, then wipe most of it off with your spreader. What's left should be in the pinholes with just a little on the surface.
Chris, thanks. That’s exactly what I did and it came out fine. I’m gonna spray a coat of reduced epoxy over that area to make sure no sanding scratches show thru. There is another hiccup i am facing. I just found it while denibing the epoxy. It was a rust bubble on the rear hatch. I sanded it down to bare metal and got rid of the rust pocket then brushed a little epoxy on that area. When can I wipe some dolphin glaze over the brushed epoxy? I would still like to base in the morning if possible. If I can wipe the dolphin glaze fairly soon I can spray another coat of reduced epoxy over that area tonight and still be able to base in the morning.


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Not a good idea to put any glaze or filler over epoxy that is less than a day old. Always wait overnight. You could still glaze it tomorrow, sand it, seal it (the glazed area might require two coats of sealer to soak up all the epoxy), wait two hours, and then base it. So you could still get base on tomorrow but it won't be tomorrow morning. If you try to rush things when painting you can get yourself into a lot of trouble.
Not a good idea to put any glaze or filler over epoxy that is less than a day old. Always wait overnight. You could still glaze it tomorrow, sand it, seal it (the glazed area might require two coats of sealer to soak up all the epoxy), wait two hours, and then base it. So you could still get base on tomorrow but it won't be tomorrow morning. If you try to rush things when painting you can get yourself into a lot of trouble.
I will take your advise and wait until early in the morning. I brushed the epoxy around 7pm. So I will give it about 11 hours to dry. It was reduced at .25% so I hope it will be dry enough by 6am in the morning. Thanks