Remove Flaking Paint from Interior Trim Panels




I'm doing some floor repairs on my '69 Sport Satellite and discovered the paint on both Kick panels is flaking and peeling off
in some areas.

The original interior color is blue and was changed to black 'eons' ago. I'm not sure what kind of black paint was used (doesn't
look like vinyl dye), but some of it is peeling off in chunks revealing the blue underneath. Otherwise, the Kick panels themselves
are in pretty good shape.

I was thinking I would like to refinish them once again (black) using SEM's vinyl dye or something equivalent, but I'm not sure
if I can paint over the existing finish since it seems to be unstable.

Is there any way to remove the old paint without damaging the plastic panels and/or textured surface?

Thanks in advance for your help.

if i had that part here i would get my blaster out and i have an ultra fine crushed glass media. its almost like baby powder and it would take that right off, clean the plastic without damage and leave it ready for paint. not sure what type of plastic it is but i would shoot it with a coat of adhesion promoter then one or 2 coats of activated basecoat then leave it. i used to use diamont paint here in the shop and their interior colors were just 10% activated basecoat.
I still had this note in my Diamont File:


INTERIOR (no clear or flex agents needed)

Mixing Ratio Instructions 1 part Diamont basecoat
10% hardener (DH42 or DH46)
75% - 100% UR reducer

Does that look right to you?
yeah thats right. 10% hardener. i have a dash panel i shot like that in my truck going on 10 years ago now. look like i shot it yesterday.
This is the same formula I used for the interior of my R/T (i.e. dash pads, trim and kick panels, etc.) and still looks great. I was surprised at the flexibility of the paint on the dash pads. No cracking or flaking whatsoever.
Ok, thanks.

I have access to some crushed glass media (or is it crushed plastic?) from a fellow not far from me that owns one of those Dustless Blasting outfits (from Texas). I haven't tried this stuff yet, but once I get a few bags of media I'll experiment on some other parts with my Blaster. Not sure about the ultra-fine crushed glass though. I'll have to inquire...

Anyways, this will have to wait till spring. I'm gonna be shut down for the next couple of months since I don't have a heated garage. It can get a little chilly up here in the north, Eh.
the regular sized glass he would use in his system to blast cars or anything like that will be way too coarse and will ruin the plastic panel. this stuff is literally like baby powder in your hand.