Sata nr2000 basecoat setting/ trouble with orange peel using pro spray basecoat



I have a sata nr2000 hvlp 1.3 tip I use for base. Usually I use DBC but i tried pro spray. I was shooting 040 toyota white. I noticed it was a lot more peely than I normally get. I reduced 1:1 with slow reducer with 1 ounce clear activator per RTS quart of base.Shop temp was cold at 61 degrees. 2 1/2 turns out on fluid fan 90-95% full open spraying 24psi at gun medium speed about 5" from panel. Tried increasing air to 29psi and added about 1-2 extra ounce of reducer per qt. still no luck.Base seems a little thick to me?? Peel is not bad but not as flat as I usually spray. Any suggestions? Thanks for any help, much appreciated!
I'm going to bump you up to the top so maybe someone with Pro-Spray experience can help you. I can say that 61° is pretty chilly, and that it seems likely the paint was even colder than that, which would make it thicker. Some basecoats just go on thick, though, did it dry peely, or lay out?
It dried more peely than I like. I ended up wet sanding the base 1500 grit. Since the color was solid white I cleared right over the 1500 scratches with UV clear. covered well no problems. Maybe I am doing something different. I never had a problem with orange peel with base and especially when I shoot the uv clear. I always laid it smooth in the past. Low and behold when I shot the clear yesterday I had the worse orange peel I ever got in the uv.
Time to look at your guns and gauges, maybe, hard to say. I'm embarrassed to say I had a gauge go bad on me little by little until it was really affecting my work. I'm not suggesting that's what your problem is, but sometimes you have to go back and revisit all the basics, double check air with more than one gauge, check spray patterns, etc., etc.
Found out the problem was my air regulator at gun was about 8-10 psi off! Regulator was a sharpe type diaphragm about 15 years old! I should of known better! New one is on and lo and behold orange peel free!