Hi all, quick advise. Small repair on quarter with light filler over fresh epoxy. Resanded area #120 and covered with epoxy. Not going to bc/cc till winter. Epoxy sprayed Saturday and in sun 6hrs Sunday so about 65 hrs total. What effect will lubricant with silicone have if used nearby on shackle area. Need to debug mechanical issue. Should I wait longer - and how much? Thx as always for expert advise.
I'd beg you to use something else. Silicone sprays are banned from my shop, as well as interior and tire dressings containing silicone. It's a very problematic material when it comes to painting.
Just say no to using silicone. Please. If you do use it you will regret it. It will contaminate the entire work area and everything in it. Trust what Crash and I are saying. Silicone spray is the worst of the worst.
True story to illustrate how nasty the stuff is. I worked with an older guy back when I was in my late 20's who told me a story about getting fired from a Shop a few years before that for because he caught management cheating him and the other guys on estimates. They were paid on commission. Management was shorting the hours given to the employees on repair versus what they were charging the customer. Very common. Anyway when he complained things got heated and the Owner fired him. My friend was the type that wasn't just going quietly away although he let them think so.
Across the street from the Shop was a busy commuter parking area. In that area the wind usually blew from west to east and the Shop was downwind of him in the parking lot. He proceeded to buy a case of silicone spray (jumbo size he said with a grin) and sit in the parking lot in his car for the next few days. While reading the paper, listening to the radio, or reading a book, every so often he would take a can hold it out the window and give it a good spray up into the air. The Shop had a new downdraft booth and the air intake was located outside facing the parking lot. My buddy proceeded to empty the contents of a case of 24 of those jumbo silicone spray cans over the next few days. They had problems there for several months after that because of the silicone sprayed into the wind a 100 yards away.
I learned two things from that, silicone really is the Devil, and to remember not to tick off my friend.