SPI Red Oxide mixed to match GM


You guys may have discussed this before. I tried the search and didn't find much. I currently restoring a 72 Camaro and want to paint the underbody in red oxide. I know you can mix SPI epoxies together to get a custom color. I wanted to post my result here and it may help someone else looking to do this. Now I matched this up the best I could to my car. I'm sure there are some different shades gm probably used through the years, and everybody knows how QC was back then. I also know lighting has a lot to do with the way a color may appear. Anyway I mix 10oz of red to 1oz of black.

The new mixture looks brown when compared to the original SPI red.


No flash:

I'm still trying to learn how to spray. I need to work on my technique. I'm still getting some orange peel and in some places I have put to much on and in some places its perfect. This is just the initial 2 coats. I will install the pan, sand and re-paint once on the rotisserie.
there's been a few different "red" oxide GM primer colors over the years but I always nail it with an SPI red and black mix. Do a small sample mix-this can be as little as teaspoons.. and adjust as needed untill the ratio is right, the color will darken a little as it cures so err on the light side and shoot a test panel to verify