Spots on fiberglass airdam. (pics)





You can see the ring from sanding in the first pic. There's a few coats of base coat over them. I can't cover them up. The second pic is the 1/16 spot. There's no ring around it. The light makes it look that way. Thanks
Sorry, I can't tell what is going on there. Better photos might help, maybe a description of what was done there and how it looked before coatings.
NO. Filler, then epoxy. Spots showed through. Wetsanded. Painted. Sanded area showed through paint. I dug out the spots with a razor blade, then i put more filler in holes, then i epoxied the whole thing. Taken care of, Thank you.
I fought with an aftermarket fiberglass spoiler for an early 70's Challenger some years back-terrible manufacturing on that one-many air pockets/bubbles in the glass that showed up during what I thought would be the final sanding.