Wanting to prime tomorrow with old style spray gun



I want to help my son get his drums in primer tomorrow. All we have for guns are my old Sharpe spray guns. I have one model 775 with a number 10 air cap and #70 nozzle. I also have another air cap that is marked c/c and there might be another nozzle somewhere. The other is a model 71 and it has an air cap marked #8 and a nozzle that is unmarked. My question is will one of these guns work better than the other to spray SPI 2k primer. Second question is does anyone know how many coats it will take to make a nice paint surface on the drum shells. The drum shells are raw sanded wood.

Thank you for all replies Mark
Pick the gun with the largest fluid tip. Being they are raw wood I would shoot 3 coats and sand, you can always spot prime any areas that need additional build and resand.
Thank you Bob . We will give then 3 coats and see how that works. As far as fluid tip size ....upon looking at the fluid tip one is marked 70 the other is unmarked but appear to be the same. I think the 70 stands for .070 thousands. Using a .070 drill bit shank that seems to be the size. So converting to mm it equals 1.77 mm. So now trying to decide which air cap to use ........the #8 or #10 Thanks Mark