What to do when you hit base when sanding?


Its been a busy summer and I had to put this project away again, anyway I have installed a new compressor, cleaned the shop top to bottom and I'm going to practice some UV clear on my spare trunk lid. Hopefully no more fish eyes. Anyway I have this lid sanded and there is two spots that I did hit the base, actually one spot went all the way to sealer. The fisheyes were terrible if you guys remember, I was going to start over and 320 this thing, but this is all a learning process for me so I thought I would at least try to save what I have. I would like to hear how you guys would repair this before clear coat. If it doesn't go well I could always start over then. Thanks for the help.

Because of set time, I would first clean with W&G, wetsand with 1500 or gray scuff pad, re base and clear.
That spot needs to be sanded with 1500 to get rid of edges and you may need to seal the spot, depending how bad it is.
Did you ever identify the source of the contamination? It would be prudent to do a large test panel first before the cover.
Thanks Guys for the replies. Yes the base was activated, so that's good. Crash, I will be doing some testing first before spraying the lid again. I'm in the process of cleaning the shop. I have replaced the filters. My wife's Camaro has tire shine on the wheels, even though it was detailed a few years ago I still get a residue on my hands when I touch the tires, so I'll be moving it out. I have also moved out my motorcycle. I have a cabinet in the garage that I plan to seal up. All of this was in the other bay where I pull my fresh air in from. I hoping with all these changes and a good cleaning, that they are gone. If they are gone, I may not know the exact source, If they are not gone, I'm not sure what I will do, but I have to find it. Thanks and I will keep you guys posted.